Can a laser comb make hair thicker
According to an article in the International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology, some patients lost hair during the first few weeks of using the laser comb. But after six months of use, subjects had increased hair counts and healthier hair.
I tried it. The laser did not generate heat--if not for the red light and the beep, I would have thought it wasn't on.******Editor note;
If do not want to wait six months another option to thicker hair you try putting extensions in your hair. You can even learn to do it your self and save tons of money. Click here Learn how to make thicker hair save hundreds of dollars by doing it your self hair extensions.
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At first, I noticed that my hair seemed to grow faster. Less hair danced in my shower drain. After a few months, my stylist said that my hair was thicker on top. I'm still no mop-top, but the results keep me combing.
The makers of the LaserComb don't claim to grow new hair but to enhance the quality of the hair you have. Some hair-loss clinics are combining laser therapy with hair-loss treatments like Rogaine and Propecia.
The HairMax LaserComb costs $645 and is available from Lexington Internationa.